A/HRC/RES/44/22 United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General 23 July 2020 Original: English Human Rights Council Forty-fourth session 30 June–17 July 2020 Agenda item 5 Human rights bodies and mechanisms Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council on 17 July 2020 44/22. The Social Forum The Human Rights Council, Recalling all previous resolutions and decisions adopted on the Social Forum by the Commission on Human Rights and its Subcommission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, the Economic and Social Council and the Human Rights Council, Recalling also Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 of 18 June 2007, Reaffirming the unique nature within the United Nations of the Social Forum, which makes possible a dialogue and an exchange between the representatives of Member States and civil society, including grass-roots organizations and intergovernmental organizations, and stressing that the current reform of the United Nations should take into account the contribution of the Forum as a vital space for open and fruitful dialogue on issues linked with the national and international environment needed for the promotion of the enjoyment of all human rights by all, 1. Reaffirms the Social Forum as a unique space for interactive dialogue between the United Nations human rights machinery and various stakeholders, including the contribution of civil society and grass-roots organizations, and stresses the need to ensure greater participation of grass-roots organizations and of those living in poverty, particularly women, especially from developing countries, in the sessions of the Forum; 2. Underlines the importance of coordinated efforts at the national, regional and international levels for the promotion of social cohesion based on the principles of social justice, equity and solidarity, and of addressing the social dimension and challenges of the ongoing globalization process and the negative impact of the current coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic; 3. Stresses the need for the increased and sustained participation and contribution of civil society and all other relevant actors listed in the present resolution to the promotion and effective realization of the right to development; 4. Decides that the Social Forum will meet for two working days in 2021, in Geneva, on dates suitable for the participation of representatives of States Members of the United Nations and of the broadest possible range of other stakeholders, especially from developing countries, and also decides that, at its next meeting, the Forum should focus on good practices, success stories, lessons learned and challenges in the fight against the GE.20-09812(E) 

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