A/RES/55/59 Convinced that adequate prevention and rehabilitation programmes are fundamental to an effective crime control strategy and that such programmes should take into account social and economic factors that may make people more vulnerable to and likely to engage in criminal behaviour, Stressing that a fair, responsible, ethical and efficient criminal justice system is an important factor in the promotion of economic and social development and of human security, Aware of the promise of restorative approaches to justice that aim to reduce crime and promote the healing of victims, offenders and communities, Having assembled at the Tenth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders in Vienna from 10 to 17 April 2000 to decide to take more effective concerted action, in a spirit of cooperation, to combat the world crime problem, Declare as follows: 1. We note with appreciation the results of the regional preparatory meetings for the Tenth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders. 2 2. We reaffirm the goals of the United Nations in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice, specifically the reduction of criminality, more efficient and effective law enforcement and administration of justice, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and promotion of the highest standards of fairness, humanity and professional conduct. 3. We emphasize the responsibility of each State to establish and maintain a fair, responsible, ethical and efficient criminal justice system. 4. We recognize the necessity of closer coordination and cooperation among States in combating the world crime problem, bearing in mind that action against it is a common and shared responsibility. In this regard, we acknowledge the need to develop and promote technical cooperation activities to assist States in their efforts to strengthen their domestic criminal justice systems and their capacity for international cooperation. 5. We shall accord high priority to the completion of the negotiation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the protocols thereto, taking into account the concerns of all States. 6. We support efforts to assist States in capacity-building, including in obtaining training and technical assistance and in developing legislation, regulations and expertise, with a view to facilitating the implementation of the Convention and the protocols thereto. 7. Consistent with the goals of the Convention and the protocols thereto, we shall endeavour: (a) To incorporate a crime prevention component into national and international development strategies; 2 See A/CONF.187/RPM.1/1 A/CONF.187/RPM.4/1. 2 and Corr.1, A/CONF.187/RPM.2/1, A/CONF.187/RPM.3/1 and

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