United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
14 October 2024
Original: English
Human Rights Council
Fifty-seventh session
9 September–11 October 2024
Agenda item 10
Technical assistance and capacity-building
Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council
on 11 October 2024
Technical assistance and capacity-building for Yemen in the field of
human rights
The Human Rights Council,
Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the
provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and recalling relevant international
human rights treaties,
Recognizing the primary responsibility of States to promote and protect human rights,
Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and
territorial integrity of Yemen,
Recalling Security Council resolutions 2014 (2011) of 21 October 2011, 2051 (2012)
of 12 June 2012 and 2140 (2014) of 26 February 2014, and Human Rights Council resolutions
18/19 of 29 September 2011, 19/29 of 23 March 2012, 21/22 of 27 September 2012, 24/32
of 27 September 2013, 27/19 of 25 September 2014, 30/18 of 2 October 2015, 33/16 of 29
September 2016, 36/31 of 29 September 2017, 39/23 of 28 September 2018, 42/31 of 27
September 2019, 45/26 of 6 October 2020, 48/21 of 11 October 2021, 51/39 of 7 October
2022 and 54/29 of 12 October 2023,
Emphasizing Security Council resolutions 2216 (2015) of 14 April 2015, 2451 (2018)
of 21 December 2018 and 2624 (2022) of 28 February 2022,
Welcoming the commitment of the Government of Yemen to maintaining the
humanitarian truce despite the refusal of the Houthis to renew the agreement on it,
Welcoming also the process of exchange of prisoners between the two sides, and
calling for the lifting of the siege of the city of Taiz and for the facilitation of the delivery of
humanitarian aid,
Reiterating its strong support for the international efforts to reach a comprehensive
ceasefire, to end the conflict in Yemen and to renew a meaningful and inclusive political
dialogue for peace, represented by the initiative of the Special Envoy of the SecretaryGeneral for Yemen, the initiative of Saudi Arabia, the efforts of the Special Envoy of the
United States of America for Yemen and some countries in the region, and recalling the need
for all parties to the conflict to react to these efforts in a flexible and constructive manner,
without preconditions, and to fully and immediately implement all provisions of relevant
Security Council resolutions, while welcoming in this regard the positive engagement of the
Government of Yemen,
GE.24-18716 (E)