A/RES/72/36 Countering the threat posed by improvised explosive devices Urging Member States to ensure that any measures taken or means employed to implement the present resolution comply with international law, in particular the Charter of the United Nations, applicable international humanitarian law and human rights law, Recognizing the importance of full involvement and equal opportunities for participation for both women and men in countering the threat posed by improvised explosive devices, Recognizing also that the wide spectrum of materials that can be used for the manufacture of improvised explosive devices, including those sourced from the military and civilian industry, contributes to their diverse nature and their deployment methods, which thus requires an appropriate approach to the formulation of measures to counter them, Noting that the impact of improvised explosive devices spans a wide array of policy areas and that, owing to the extent of the cross -cutting nature of the issue, a whole-of-government approach focusing on the capacity of Governments to effectively bring together several policy strands for comprehensive action is essential, Underlining the important role that States can play in raising awareness among private sector and other entities about the possible theft, diversion and misuse of their products to make improvised explosive devices, with a view to enabling those entities to develop effective strategies to counter the threat of improvised explosive devices, 3 including to prevent the adverse impact of the diversion of materials and the potential loss of revenue and risk to reputation, either in a partnership with governmental authorities, or through business-to-business processes or activities, Noting existing industry-led initiatives that seek to increase industry oversight and accountability along the supply chain for precursor components, and encouraging States to engage, as appropriate, with private sector industry actors in supporting such initiatives, Noting also the contribution of good governance, the promotion of human rights, the rule of law, adherence to the principles of the Charter and sustained and inclusive socioeconomic growth, including through effective measures and mechanisms for persons belonging to vulnerable groups, as important elements in comprehensively addressing the issue of improvised explosive devi ces, in particular in post-conflict situations, Stressing the paramount need to prevent illegal armed groups, terrorists and other unauthorized recipients from, and identify the networks that support them in, obtaining, handling, financing, storing, using or seeking access to all types of explosives, whether military or civilian, as well as other military or civilian materials and components that can be used to manufacture improvised explosive devices, including detonators, detonating cords and chemical c omponents, while at the same time avoiding any undue restrictions on the legitimate use of those materials, Recalling, in this context, relevant resolutions on the prevention of the acquisition of weapons by terrorists, including improvised explosive device components, and their transfer to and between terrorists, associated groups and other illegal armed groups and criminals, 4 __________________ 3 4 2/7 See the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework (A/HRC/17/31, annex). See Security Council resolution 2370 (2017). 17-21711

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