A/RES/55/45 owing to the severe economic deterioration and the prevailing drought, and that significant humanitarian needs continue to exist throughout Tajikistan, Recognizing that until the economy is able to support the Tajik population, humanitarian operations will remain a critical factor in strengthening the achievements of the peace process in Tajikistan, Expressing regret that, despite the importance of humanitarian operations for contributing to peace and stability, donor response to both the 1999 and the 2000 consolidated inter-agency appeals has been insufficient, Stressing that international funding for humanitarian operations is particularly important since such operations remain the principal means by which hundreds of thousands of Tajiks meet their basic needs, Noting with concern the lack of support for food assistance and health programmes, which aim to save lives and must receive immediate funding if social catastrophe is to be avoided in Tajikistan, 1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General,3 and endorses the observations and recommendations set out therein; 2. Welcomes the implementation of the main provisions of the General Agreement on the Establishment of Peace and National Accord in Tajikistan,4 and the end of the transition period; 3. Also welcomes the continued role of the United Nations in post-conflict peace-building in Tajikistan and the establishment of the United Nations Tajikistan Office for Peace-building; 4. Stresses that Tajikistan has entered a new phase of post-conflict peacebuilding, which requires continued international economic assistance; 5. Recognizes that humanitarian and rehabilitation assistance remains crucial, not only to sustain life but also to promote development and prevent renewed conflict; 6. Welcomes with appreciation the efforts undertaken by the SecretaryGeneral in drawing the attention of the international community to the acute humanitarian problems of Tajikistan and in mobilizing assistance for the postconflict rehabilitation, recovery and reconstruction of the country; 7. Expresses its appreciation to the States, the United Nations, the World Bank and other intergovernmental organizations and all relevant humanitarian organizations, agencies and non-governmental organizations, including the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, that have responded and continue to respond positively to the humanitarian needs of Tajikistan; 8. Encourages Member States and others concerned to continue assistance to alleviate the urgent humanitarian needs of Tajikistan and to offer support to Tajikistan for the post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction of its economy; 9. Warmly welcomes the intention of the Secretary-General to continue the United Nations humanitarian programme in Tajikistan by issuing a consolidated inter-agency appeal for humanitarian assistance to Tajikistan for 2001, as a strategic document that will guide a gradual transition to a more development-oriented focus, and invites Member States to fund programmes included in the appeal; 2

Select target paragraph3