Conclusion of the Executive Committee on international cooperation from a protection and solutions perspective The Executive Committee, Noting the adoption of the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants on 19 September 2016; Considering that achieving international cooperation in solving international problems of a humanitarian character is among the purposes of the United Nations as defined in its Charter, and considering that the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees acknowledges that the grant of asylum may place unduly heavy burdens on certain countries, and that satisfactory solutions to a problem, of which the United Nations has recognized the international scope and nature, cannot therefore be achieved without international cooperation; Reaffirming the importance of the 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees at the centre of the international legal framework for the protection of refugees, and recalling Article 2 of the Statute of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; Reaffirming its commitment to international solidarity and responsibility- and burden-sharing involving all members of the international community, and recalling the importance of international cooperation, in particular to support communities and countries hosting large refugee populations, in ensuring protection and assistance and achieving solutions for refugees; Recalling also that international cooperation is important for States with internally displaced persons, stateless populations, as well as other people of concern to UNHCR; Stressing the importance of the protection of human life and dignity as a priority issue by reaffirming, inter alia, the principle of non-refoulement, as well as the importance of providing assistance and seeking comprehensive approaches towards the implementation of durable solutions, as appropriate, from the outset of a displacement situation, while ensuring that no-one is left behind; Recognising the multifaceted dimensions of solutions, bearing in mind the need to address the root causes of forced displacement, including in light of the importance of political will, as well as security implications for neighbouring countries hosting refugees, and finding practical and comprehensive approaches to resolving the plight of refugees and realizing durable solutions for them, consistent with international law, including international refugee law, and relevant General Assembly resolutions referring to the work of UNHCR; Recalling also the guidance set out in its previous conclusions, in particular Conclusions No. 18 (XXXI) 1980, No. 40 (XXXVI) 1985, No.52 (XXXIX) 1988, No. 56(XL), No. 80(XLVII) 1996, No. 67 (XLII) 1991, No. 100 (LV) 2004, No. 101 (LV) 2004, No. 104 (LVI) 2005, No. 105 (LVII) 2006, paragraph (i) (i), No. 107 (LVIII) 2007, paragraph (b) (xiii), No. 109 (LX) 2009, No. 111 (LXIV) 2013, and No. 91 (LII) 2001; and taking note of resolutions of United Nations General Assembly relating to the work of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; 1. Commits to further strengthening of international cooperation and solidarity and equitable responsibility and burden sharing; and further urges all States and UNHCR to increase their efforts to implement these important principles, including through the provision of much needed support to host countries by mobilizing financial and other necessary resources, and ensure protection and assistance and realize durable solutions for refugees and for other persons of concern, as appropriate, in order to enhance the coping ability and resilience of host communities, as well as provide assistance in a more predictable, timely, sustainable and equitable and transparent way; 2. Recognises the need to assist States to conduct, consistent with legal frameworks, early and effective registration and documentation of refugees, taking into account the specificity of each situation;

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