A/RES/58/48 Taking note also of the report of the Policy Working Group on the United Nations and Terrorism, 4 Taking note further of the report of the Secretary-General, 5 submitted pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 4 of resolution 57/83, Mindful of the urgent need for addressing, within the United Nations framework and through international cooperation, this threat to humanity, Emphasizing that progress is urgently needed in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation in order to help to maintain international peace and security and to contribute to global efforts against terrorism, Calls upon all Member States to support international efforts to prevent 1. terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery; 2. Urges all Member States to take and strengthen national measures, as appropriate, to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery and materials and technologies related to their manufacture, and invites them to inform the Secretary-General, on a voluntary basis, of the measures taken in this regard; Encourages cooperation among and between Member States and relevant 3. regional and international organizations for strengthening national capacities in this regard; Requests the Secretary-General to compile a report on measures already 4. taken by international organizations on issues relating to the linkage between the fight against terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, to seek the views of Member States on additional relevant measures for tackling the global threat posed by the acquisition by terrorists of weapons of mass destruction, and to report to the General Assembly at its fifty-ninth session; Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its fifty-ninth session the 5. item entitled “Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction”. 71st plenary meeting 8 December 2003 _______________ 4 5 2 A/57/273-S/2002/875, annex. A/58/208 and Add.1.

Select target paragraph3