A/RES/71/127 Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations humanitarian crises, including poverty and underdevelopment, build the resilience of affected States, including host communities, and reduce humanitarian needs, Recognizing that a cooperative framework between humanitarian and development approaches is imperative to build resilience, Concerned about the growing gap between the increasing numbers of people in need of assistance and sufficient resources to provide relief, noting the appointment by the Secretary-General, in May 2015, of a High-level Panel on Humanitarian Financing to examine ways to raise more humanitarian funding, to make the funding more predictable and to use available funding more effectively, and taking note of the report of the Panel, Concerned also about the growing gap between humanitarian needs and resources, welcoming non-traditional donors, and emphasizing the need to mobilize adequate, predictable, timely and flexible resources for humanitarian assistance, based on and in proportion to assessed risks and needs, with a view to planning for, mitigating, preparing for, responding to and recovering from humanitarian emergencies and to ensuring fuller coverage of the needs in all sectors and across humanitarian emergencies, Recognizing, in this regard, the significant achievements of the Central Emergency Response Fund in facilitating life-saving assistance to crisis-affected people by providing timely funding, enabling humanitarian organizations and their implementing partners to act quickly when tragedy strikes and steer resources to crises that do not receive the attention that they need and deserve, emphasizing the need to broaden and diversify the income base of the Fund, and welcoming in this regard the call by the Secretary-General to increase the level of the Fund to 1 billion United States dollars by 2018, Emphasizing that strengthened needs analysis, risk management and strategic planning, in coordination with affected States, including through the use of open and disaggregated data, are crucial elements to ensure a better informed, more effective, transparent and collective response to the needs of people affected by crises, Reiterating the need for Member States, relevant United Nations organizations and other relevant actors to mainstream a gender perspective into humanitarian assistance and integrate a gender perspective into all disaster risk reduction efforts, including by addressing the specific needs, and promoting the priorities and capacities, of women, girls, boys and men in a comprehensive and consistent manner, recognizing that in humanitarian emergencies, women, girls and boys face heightened risks to their safety, health and well-being, and also reiterating that it is essential to ensure that women are empowered to effectively and meaningfully participate in leadership and decision-making processes, wherever possible, and that the rights of women, girls and boys are respected and protected in such emergencies, Reiterating also the need for Member States, relevant United Nations organizations and other relevant actors to improve accountability at all levels to the needs of affected populations, and recognizing the importance o f inclusive participation in decision-making, Recognizing that persons with disabilities are disproportionately affected in humanitarian emergencies and face multiple barriers in accessing assistance, and in this regard recalling the Charter on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action, 2/15

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