United Nations General Assembly A/RES/57/10 Distr.: General 16 December 2002 Fifty-seventh session Agenda item 34 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly [without reference to a Main Committee (A/57/L.15/Rev.1 and Add.1)] 57/10. The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 56/215 of 21 December 2001 and all previously adopted resolutions, as well as all relevant resolutions of the Security Council, regarding the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Reaffirming its support for the independence, sovereignty, legal continuity and territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, within its internationally recognized borders, and also reaffirming its support for the equality of the three constituent peoples and others in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a united country, with two multiethnic entities, according to the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the annexes thereto (collectively the “Peace Agreement”), 1 Reiterating the importance of strengthening the rule of law, the functionality of the State institutions and the creation of a competitive, self-sustainable economy as the preconditions for the consolidation of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a modern democratic State and civic society working for the well-being of all its citizens, Recognizing the results of the general elections at the State and entity level as the genuine and free choice of the electorate, looking forward to the swift formation of the new Government, and mindful of the fact that the parties participating in the elections are committed to the continuation of reforms, the strengthening of the rule of law and the determination of Bosnia and Herzegovina to fulfil its international obligations, Welcoming the prioritizing and streamlining of the involvement of the international community in the reform process, Noting the importance for the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina that prosecutors successfully conclude their investigation of war crimes and the whereabouts of those still missing, as well as the importance of full cooperation with the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991, especially with regard to surrendering all indicted war criminals to the Tribunal, _______________ 1 02 53849 A/50/790-S/1995/999.

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