A/RES/59/113 1. Takes note of the views expressed in the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the achievements and shortcomings of the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education, 1995–2004, and on future United Nations activities in this area 3 concerning the need to continue a global framework for human rights education beyond the Decade in order to ensure a priority focus on human rights education within the international agenda; Proclaims the World Programme for Human Rights Education, structured 2. in consecutive phases, scheduled to begin on 1 January 2005, in order to advance the implementation of human rights education programmes in all sectors; Notes with appreciation the draft plan of action for the first phase 3. (2005–2007) of the World Programme for Human Rights Education, prepared jointly by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, as contained in the note by the Secretary-General, 4 and invites States to submit comments thereon to the Office of the High Commissioner, with a view to its early adoption. 70th plenary meeting 10 December 2004 _______________ 3 4 2 E/CN.4/2004/93. A/59/525.

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