Preparations for and observance of the thirtieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family A/RES/77/191 children, including early childhood development and education, enabling access to employment opportunities and decent work for parents and caregivers, achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls and eliminating all forms of violence, in particular against women and girls, and supporting the overall quality of life of families, including families in vulnerable situations, so that family members can realize their full potential, as part of an integrated comprehensive approach to development, Acknowledging that the family-related provisions of the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits and their follow-up processes continue to provide policy guidance on ways to strengthen family-oriented components of policies and programmes as part of an integrated comprehensive approach to development, Acknowledging also that the International Year and its follow-up processes have served as catalysts for initiatives at the national and international levels, including family-oriented policies and programmes to reduce poverty and hunger and promote the well-being of all at all ages, and can boost development efforts, contribute to better outcomes for children and help to break the intergenerational transfer of poverty in support of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 1 Expressing solidarity with all people affected by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, expressing deep concern over its continuous socioeconomic impact on families and on the roles within families affe cted by the loss of family members and caregivers, increased poverty, malnutrition, unemployment and unpaid care work, the disruption of education, as well as worsening mental health outcomes and an alarming increase in violence, in particular domestic vio lence, as well as harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriages, recognizing that many families play a role in caring for their members, which constitutes an additional challenge for families, and reaffirming the responsibility of States in protecting families from the negative effects of the pandemic, Recognizing that the COVID-19 pandemic has provided a critical recognition of the need and opportunity to build more effective, inclusive and resilient systems to protect and support families, in particular those families and family members in vulnerable situations, inter alia, by providing access to full and productive employment and decent work, as well as effective, inclusive, resilient and gender sensitive social protection systems and public services, and measures to ensure a work-family and a work-life balance, while also acknowledging that women and girls undertake a disproportionate share of unpaid care and domestic work, and stressing the need to recognize and adopt measures to reduce, redistribute and value unpaid care and domestic work by promoting the equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men within the household, Acknowledging that strengthening intergenerational relations, through such measures as promoting intergenerational living arrangements and encouraging extended family members to live in close proximity to each other, has been found to promote the autonomy, security and well-being of children and older persons and that initiatives to promote involved and positive parenting and to support the role of grandparents have been found to be beneficial in advancing social integration and solidarity between generations, as well as in promoting and protecting the human rights of all family members, Acknowledging further that the preparations for the observance of the thirtieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family in 2024 should offer an opportunity to focus on megatrends, such as technological change, urbanization, __________________ 1 2/6 Resolution 70/1. 22-28887

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