Human Rights Council Eleventh Session Resolution 11/9. The human rights of migrants in detention centres The Human Rights Council, Recalling previous resolutions of the General Assembly, the Commission on Human Rights and the Council on the protection of the human rights of migrants and the work of various special mechanisms of the Council that have reported on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of migrants, particularly those held in detention centres, Aware of the report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants (A/HRC/11/7), which focuses on the protection of children in the context of migration, Aware also of the report of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (A/HRC/7/4), Emphasizing the importance of addressing the situation of migrants in detention centres and in administrative detention, which creates conditions for the potential violation of their human rights, through a comprehensive, integrated, concerted and balanced approach, 1. Decides to hold a panel discussion on the matter at its twelfth session, with equitable geographic and gender participation of Governments, relevant experts and representatives of civil society, including national institutions; 2. Invites the members of the above-mentioned panel: (a) To discuss the current trends, good practices, challenges and possible approaches to address the issue of the detention of migrants and to explore ways to promote and protect their human rights; (b) To elaborate on how to reduce the recourse to and duration of detention of persons who enter or remain in a country in an irregular manner, as well as on how to provide them with appropriate access to due legal process; 3. Requests the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to provide the necessary assistance and support for holding the panel. 29th meeting 18 June 2009 [Adopted without a vote.] -----

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