International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, 2021 A/RES/74/198 it is stated that an international day or year should not be proclaimed before the basic arrangements for its organization and financing have been made, Recognizing that the creative economy, known as the “orange economy” in a number of countries, involves, inter alia, knowledge-based economic activities and the interplay between human creativity and ideas, knowledge and technology, as well as cultural values or artistic, cultural heritage and other individual or collective creative expressions, Recalling the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, which states that the organization, as part of its purposes and functions, will maintain, increase and diffuse knowledge by encouraging cooperation among the nations in all branches of intellectual activity, and noting the report of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on culture and sustainable development, 1 in which it is stated that cultural and creative industries should be part of economic growth strategies, Recognizing the ongoing need to support developing countries and countries with economies in transition in diversifying production and exports, including in new sustainable growth areas, including creative industries, Recommitting to sustaining and supporting developing countries’ economies to transition progressively to higher productivity through high-value-added sectors, by promoting diversification, technological upgrading, research and innovation, including the creation of quality, decent and productive jobs, including through the promotion of cultural and creative industries, sustainable tourism, performing arts and heritage conservation activities, among others, Recognizing that the international community should support national efforts of developing countries to increase their participation in and benefit from dynamic sectors and to foster, protect and promote their creative industries, including by way of strategies to appropriately protect and enforce intellectual property, Acknowledging that creative industries can help to foster positive externalities while preserving and promoting cultural heritages and diversity, as well as enhance developing countries’ participation in and benefit from new and dynamic growth opportunities in world trade, Welcoming the efforts of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the United Nations Development Programme, the International Labour Organization, the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation, the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and other entities of the United Nations system to promote the creative economy for sustainable development, Noting with appreciation the efforts to promote the creative economy in various international and regional conferences, including the first World Conference on Creative Economy, held in Bali, Indonesia, from 6 to 8 November 2018, and the Global Summit on the Orange Economy, held in Medellín, Colombia, on 9 and 10 September 2019, and looking forward to the convening of the second World Conference on Creative Economy, to be held in the United Arab Emirates in 2020, while taking note of the outcome document, the Bali Agenda for Creative Economy, and recognizing the role of the creative economy in supporting the Sustainable Development Goals and that the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights can bolster and enhance the creative economy, __________________ 1 2/4 See A/69/216. 19-22410

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