United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
30 July 2019
Original: English
Seventy-fourth session
Item 68 (a) of the provisional agenda*
Promotion and protection of the rights of children:
promotion and protection of the rights of children
Annual report of the Special Representative of the
Secretary-General on Violence against Children
The present report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on
Violence against Children is submitted to the General Assembly in accordance with
resolution 64/146. Najat Maalla M’jid assumed the position of Special Representative
on 1 July 2019. In this her first report to the Assembly as Special Representative, she
notes the momentum created by the review, at the high-level political forum on
sustainable development in 2019, of the targets in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development to end violence against children (especially target 16.2 of the Sustainable
Development Goals), and the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention
on the Rights of the Child. The report highlights action taken at national and regional
levels towards realizing the right of every child to protection from violence. The
Special Representative will continue to use the opportunity presented by the 2030
Agenda to further accelerate progress towards the elimination of all forms of violence
against children. A core element of the advocacy undertaken by the mandate will be to
act as a bridge-builder and catalyst for change by establishing and strengthening
partnerships among those working to end violence against children, and to emphasize
the role of children and young people as key agents of change.
* A/74/150.
19-13055 (E)