A/72/319 United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General 11 August 2017 Original: English Seventy-second session Item 71 (b) of the provisional agenda* Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance: comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action Report of the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent Note by the Secretariat 1. In paragraph 4 of its resolution 27/25, the Human Rights Council requested the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent to submit a report to the Council on all activities relating to its mandate, as well as to the General Assembly in the context of the International Decade for People of African Descent. In paragraph 10 of its resolution 71/181, the Assembly invited the Council, through the Chair of the Working Group, to continue to submit a repor t on the work of the Working Group to the Assembly. 2. In accordance with the practice established to avoid duplication, in 2017 the Working Group has submitted a consolidated annual report to both the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council. The Secretariat therefore has the honour to draw the attention of the Assembly to document A/HRC/36/60. * A/72/150. 17-13875 (E) 160817 *1713875*

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