A/HRC/45/34 United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General 18 June 2020 Original: English Human Rights Council Forty-fifth session 14 September–2 October 2020 Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development Rights of indigenous peoples Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples Summary In the present report, prepared pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 42/20, the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples refers to the activities undertaken since the submission of her last report and highlights examples of positive impacts from the work carried out during the period of her mandate, on the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples. The Special Rapporteur also considers experiences and lessons learned regarding consultation processes. She concludes with brief reflections on the mandate at the end of her term and some forward-looking recommendations. GE.20-08078(E) 

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