A UNITED NATIONS General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/RES/51/60 28 January 1997 Fifty-first session Agenda item 101 RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY [on the report of the Third Committee (A/51/610)] 51/60. United Nations Declaration on Crime and Public Security The General Assembly, Convinced that the adoption of a declaration on crime and public security will contribute to the enhancement of the struggle against serious transnational crime, 1. Approves the United Nations Declaration on Crime and Public Security annexed to the present resolution; 2. Urges Member States, in accordance with the provisions of the Declaration, to take all appropriate measures at the national and international levels to combat serious transnational crime; 3. Invites the Secretary-General to inform all States and the relevant specialized agencies and organizations of the adoption of the Declaration; 4. Urges Member States to make every effort to ensure that the Declaration becomes generally known and is observed and implemented in full in accordance with their respective national legislation; 5. Invites Member States to promote public campaigns, including the use of mass media, that stimulate public awareness of and participation in the process of crime prevention and promotion of public security. 82nd plenary meeting 12 December 1996 97-76279 /...

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