A UNITED NATIONS General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/RES/51/184 3 February 1997 Fifty-first session Agenda item 97 (e) RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY [on the report of the Second Committee (A/51/605/Add.5)] 51/184. Protection of global climate for present and future generations of mankind The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 45/212 of 21 December 1990, 46/169 of 19 December 1991, 47/195 of 22 December 1992, 48/189 of 21 December 1993, 49/120 of 19 December 1994 and 50/115 of 20 December 1995, Noting with satisfaction that most States and one regional economic integration organization have ratified or acceded to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,1 and inviting States that are not parties to take appropriate action to that end, Welcoming the achievements of the second session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held at Geneva from 8 to 19 July 1996, and noting that the Conference of the Parties at its second session adopted by consensus a series of substantive decisions,2 Recalling that at its second session the Conference of the Parties took note, without formal adoption, of the Geneva Ministerial Declaration3 which received majority support among ministers and other heads of delegations attending the Conference, which, inter alia, called for acceleration of negotiations on the text of a legally binding protocol or another legal 1 A/AC.237/18 (Part II)/Add.1 and Corr.1, annex I. 2 See FCCC/CP/1996/15/Add.1. 3 Ibid., annex. 97-76591 /...

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