United Nations A/RES/56/120 General Assembly Distr.: General 23 January 2002 Fifty-sixth session Agenda item 110 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly [on the report of the Third Committee (A/56/574)] 56/120. Action against transnational organized crime: assistance to States in capacity-building with a view to facilitating the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto The General Assembly, Deeply concerned at the impact of transnational organized crime on the political, social and economic stability and development of societies, Bearing in mind that the fight against transnational organized crime is a common and shared responsibility of the international community, necessitating cooperation at the bilateral and multilateral levels, Reaffirming its support and commitment to the goals of the United Nations in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice, in particular, the objectives set forth in the Vienna Declaration on Crime and Justice: Meeting the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century, 1 Recalling its resolution 55/25 of 15 November 2000, in which it adopted the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto and urged all States and regional economic organizations to sign and ratify those international legal instruments, Noting with appreciation the initiative of those States which have pledged financial contributions to the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Fund in order to enable developing countries and countries with economies in transition to initiate measures to implement the Convention and the Protocols thereto, 1. Welcomes the signing of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto; 2. Expresses its appreciation for the offers of a number of Governments to host regional conferences at the ministerial level and for the financial contributions of a number of States for the purpose of holding pre-ratification seminars on _______________ 1 01 48167 Resolution 55/59, annex.

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