A/RES/56/126 immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) in various regions of the world, particularly in developing countries, Affirming the dual challenges of ageing and disability, and affirming also that older persons have specific health needs and that, with the increase in life expectancy and the growing number of older women, their health concerns require particular attention and further research, Aware that few statistics are available on the situation of older women, and recognizing the importance of data, including data disaggregated by age and sex, as an essential element of planning and policy evaluations, Recognizing that women of all ages, in particular older women, continue to suffer from discrimination and lack of opportunities, Emphasizing that Governments bear the primary responsibility for creating an enabling environment for the economic and social development of their citizens, and noting with appreciation the valuable contributions of civil society, including nongovernmental organizations, in calling attention to the specific needs of older women, 1. Stresses the importance of mainstreaming a gender perspective, taking into account the needs of older women, in policy and planning processes at all levels; Also stresses the need to eliminate discrimination on the basis of gender 2. and age and ensure equal rights and their full enjoyment for women of all ages; Urges Governments and regional and international organizations, 3. including the United Nations system in cooperation with civil society, including the non-governmental organizations concerned, to promote programmes for healthy active ageing that stress the independence, equality, participation and security of older women and undertake gender-specific research and programmes to address their needs; 4. Emphasizes the need for Governments and regional and international organizations, including the United Nations system and the international financial institutions, to develop and improve the collection, analysis and dissemination of data disaggregated by age and sex; 5. Urges Governments to take measures to enable all older women to be engaged actively in all aspects of life, as well as to assume a variety of roles in communities, public life and decision-making, and to develop and implement policies and programmes in cooperation with civil society, including the nongovernmental organizations concerned, to ensure their full enjoyment of human rights and quality of life, as well as to address their needs, with a view to contributing to the realization of a society for all ages; 6. Invites Governments, the United Nations system and international organizations to consider, in their development planning, the increasing responsibilities of older women in providing care and assistance to victims of HIV/AIDS; 7. Invites Governments and the United Nations system to give attention to the situation of older women in the context of the Second World Assembly on Ageing, to be held at Madrid in April 2002, including the integration of a gender perspective into the outcome document. 88th plenary meeting 19 December 2001 2

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