United Nations General Assembly A/RES/59/64 Distr.: General 17 December 2004 Fifty-ninth session Agenda item 63 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 3 December 2004 [on the report of the First Committee (A/59/457)] 59/64. Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons The General Assembly, Bearing in mind the need to allay the legitimate concern of the States of the world with regard to ensuring lasting security for their peoples, Convinced that nuclear weapons pose the greatest threat to mankind and to the survival of civilization, Welcoming the progress achieved in recent years in both nuclear and conventional disarmament, Noting that, despite recent progress in the field of nuclear disarmament, further efforts are necessary towards the achievement of general and complete disarmament under effective international control, Convinced that nuclear disarmament and the complete elimination of nuclear weapons are essential to remove the danger of nuclear war, Determined to abide strictly by the relevant provisions of the Charter of the United Nations on the non-use of force or threat of force, Recognizing that the independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of nonnuclear-weapon States need to be safeguarded against the use or threat of use of force, including the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons, Considering that, until nuclear disarmament is achieved on a universal basis, it is imperative for the international community to develop effective measures and arrangements to ensure the security of non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons from any quarter, Recognizing that effective measures and arrangements to assure non-nuclearweapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons can contribute positively to the prevention of the spread of nuclear weapons, 04-48010

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