A UNITED NATIONS General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/RES/51/46 9 January 1997 Fifty-first session Agenda item 72 RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY [on the report of the First Committee (A/51/566/Add.12)] 51/46. Review and implementation of the Concluding Document of the Twelfth Special Session of the General Assembly A United Nations Disarmament Information Programme The General Assembly, Recalling its decision taken in 1982 at its twelfth special session, the second special session devoted to disarmament, by which the World Disarmament Campaign was launched,1 Bearing in mind its various resolutions on the subject, including resolution 47/53 D of 9 December 1992, in which it decided, inter alia, that the World Disarmament Campaign should be known thereafter as the "United Nations Disarmament Information Programme" and the World Disarmament Campaign Voluntary Trust Fund as the "Voluntary Trust Fund for the United Nations Disarmament Information Programme", Recalling its resolution 49/76 A of 15 December 1994, Having examined the report of the Secretary-General of 19 July 1996 on the United Nations Disarmament Information Programme,2 1 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Twelfth Special Session, Plenary Meetings, 1st meeting, paras. 110 and 111. 2 A/51/219. 97-76057 /...

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