A/RES/74/229 Science, technology and innovation for sustainable development instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, where appropriate, as soon as possible, Recalling its resolution 72/228 of 20 December 2017 on science, technology and innovation for development and its previous resolutions on the issue, 3 Taking note of Economic and Social Council resolution 2019/25 of 23 July 2019 on science, technology and innovation for development and previous Council resolutions on the issue, 4 Recalling its resolution 73/17 of 26 November 2018 on the impact of rapid technological change on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and targets, Recalling also the World Summit on the Information Society and its outcomes, 5 as well as other relevant intergovernmentally agreed outcomes, Taking note of the reports of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development on its fourteenth to twenty-second sessions, 6 Taking note also of the report of the Secretary-General, 7 Taking note further of the work of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination on the impact of new and emerging technologies and on promoting innovation to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, Recognizing that science, technology and innovation, including environmentally sound technologies and information and communications technologies, are critical in the pursuit of sustainable development and are one of the key means of implementation of the intergovernmentally agreed development outcomes, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals, Noting that the 2019 Global Sustainable Development Report identifies science, technology and innovation as one of the levers for transformation to accelerate progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and that its strategic deployment has the potential to resolve and minimize trade -offs among the Goals and targets, and recognizes that technology transfer to developing countries on mutually agreed terms will be critical to scale up and accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Noting also the June 2019 report of the Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation entitled “The age of digital interdependence”, Emphasizing that science, technology and innovation play a key role in accelerating the pace of economic diversification and transformation, improving productivity and competitiveness, as well as enabling the full participation of developing countries in the global economy, __________________ 3 4 5 6 7 2/9 Resolutions 58/200, 59/220, 60/205, 61/207, 62/201, 64/212, 66/211, 68/220 and 70/213. Economic and Social Council resolutions 2006/46, 2009/8, 2010/3, 2011/17, 2012/6, 2013/10, 2014/28, 2015/27, 2016/23, 2017/22 and 2018/29. See A/C.2/59/3 and A/60/687. Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 2011, Supplement No. 11 (E/2011/31); ibid., 2012, Supplement No. 11 and corrigendum (E/2012/31 and E/2012/31/Corr.1); ibid., 2013, Supplement No. 11 and corrigendum (E/2013/31 and E/2013/31/Corr.1); ibid., 2014, Supplement No. 11 (E/2014/31); ibid., 2015, Supplement No. 11 (E/2015/31); ibid., 2016, Supplement No. 11 (E/2016/31); ibid., 2017, Supplement No. 11 (E/2017/31); ibid., 2018, Supplement No. 11 (E/2018/31); and ibid., 2019, Supplement No. 11 (E/2019/31). A/74/230. 19-22501

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