A/RES/67/118 Convinced that occupation itself represents a gross and grave violation of human rights, Gravely concerned about the continuing detrimental impact of ongoing unlawful Israeli practices and measures in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, including the excessive use of force by the Israeli occupying forces against Palestinian civilians, resulting in the death and injury of civilians, the widespread destruction of property and vital infrastructure, ongoing settlement activities and construction of the wall, the internal displacement of civilians, the imposition of collective punishment measures, particularly against the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, where continuing severe restrictions on movement amount to a blockade, and the detention and imprisonment of thousands of Palestinians, Gravely concerned also about acts of violence, intimidation and provocation by Israeli settlers against Palestinian civilians and properties, including homes, mosques, churches and agricultural lands, Gravely concerned in particular by reports regarding serious human rights violations and grave breaches of international humanitarian law committed during the military operations in the Gaza Strip between December 2008 and January 2009, including the findings in the summary by the Secretary-General of the report of the Board of Inquiry 6 and in the report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, 7 and reiterating the necessity for serious follow-up by all parties to the recommendations addressed to them towards ensuring accountability and justice, Having considered the report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories 8 and the relevant reports of the Secretary-General, 9 Recalling the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements of 13 September 1993 10 and the subsequent implementation agreements between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, Stressing the urgency of bringing a complete end to the Israeli occupation that began in 1967 and thus an end to the violation of the human rights of the Palestinian people, and of allowing for the realization of their inalienable human rights, including their right to self-determination and their independent State, Taking note of the application of Palestine for admission to membership in the United Nations, submitted on 23 September 2011, 11 1. Commends the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories for its efforts in performing the tasks assigned to it by the General Assembly and for its impartiality; _______________ 6 A/63/855-S/2009/250. A/HRC/12/48. 8 A/67/550. 9 A/67/332, A/67/338, A/67/372, A/67/375 and A/67/511. 10 A/48/486-S/26560, annex. 11 A/66/371-S/2011/592. 7 2

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