A/CONF.171/13 English Page 2 CONTENTS Page I. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE CONFERENCE ............................ 1. 4 Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development ................................... 4 2. Expression of thanks to the people and Government of Egypt ... 119 3. Credentials of representatives to the International Conference on Population and Development ................................ 119 ATTENDANCE AND ORGANIZATION OF WORK .............................. 120 A. Date and place of the Conference ............................. 120 B. Pre-Conference consultations ................................. 120 C. Attendance ................................................... 120 D. Opening of the Conference and election of the President ...... 124 E. Messages from heads of State ................................. 124 F. Adoption of the rules of procedure ........................... 124 G. Adoption of the agenda ....................................... 124 H. Election of officers other than the President ................ 125 I. Organization of work, including the establishment of the Main Committee of the Conference .................................. 126 J. Accreditation of intergovernmental organizations ............. 126 K. Accreditation of non-governmental organizations .............. 126 L. Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee ...... 126 M. Other matters ................................................ 127 III. GENERAL DEBATE ................................................... 128 IV. REPORT OF THE MAIN COMMITTEE ..................................... 131 V. ADOPTION OF THE PROGRAMME OF ACTION .............................. 135 VI. REPORT OF THE CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE .............................. 152 II. /...

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