United Nations A/RES/59/154 General Assembly Distr.: General 3 February 2005 Fifty-ninth session Agenda item 96 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 20 December 2004 [on the report of the Third Committee (A/59/494)] 59/154. International cooperation in the prevention, combating and elimination of kidnapping and in providing assistance to victims The General Assembly, Concerned at the increase in the practice of kidnapping in various countries of the world and at the harmful effects of that crime on victims and their families, and determined to support measures to assist and protect them and to promote their recovery, Reiterating that the kidnapping of persons under any circumstances and for any purpose constitutes a serious crime and a violation of individual freedom and undermines human rights, Noting the transnational nature of organized crime and the tendency of organized criminal groups and terrorist groups to expand their illegal operations, Concerned at the growing tendency of organized criminal groups and terrorist groups to resort to kidnapping, especially for the purpose of extortion, as a method of accumulating capital with a view to consolidating their criminal operations and undertaking other illegal activities, such as trafficking in firearms and drugs, money-laundering and crimes related to terrorism, Convinced that the links between various illegal activities, including terrorism, and organized crime pose an additional threat to security and the quality of life, hindering economic and social development, Convinced also that the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime 1 provides the legal framework necessary for international cooperation in the fight against kidnapping, Recalling Economic and Social Council resolution 2003/28 of 22 July 2003 entitled “International cooperation in the prevention, combating and elimination of kidnapping and in providing assistance to victims”, in which the Council requested the Secretary-General, drawing on extrabudgetary funds or voluntary contributions, to provide technical assistance to States, upon request, to enable them to strengthen _______________ 1 04-48550 Resolution 55/25, annex I.

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