United Nations A/RES/62/122 General Assembly Distr.: General 8 February 2008 Sixty-second session Agenda item 119 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 17 December 2007 [without reference to a Main Committee (A/62/L.32 and Add.1)] 62/122. Permanent memorial to and remembrance of the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 61/19 of 28 November 2006, entitled “Commemoration of the two-hundredth anniversary of the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade”, Recalling also the designation of 25 March 2007 as the International Day for the Commemoration of the Two-hundredth Anniversary of the Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General, 1 which focuses on initiatives undertaken by States to implement paragraphs 101 and 102 of the Durban Declaration of the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance aimed at countering the legacy of slavery and contributing to the restoration of the dignity of the victims of slavery and the slave trade, 2 0F 1F Recognizing how little is known about the four-hundred-year-long transatlantic slave trade and its lasting consequences, felt throughout the world, and welcoming the increased attention that the General Assembly commemoration brought to the issue, including the raising of its profile in many States, Recalling in particular paragraph 101 of the Durban Declaration which. inter alia, invited the international community and its members to honour the memory of the victims, Welcomes the initiative of the States members of the Caribbean 1. Community to erect in the halls of the United Nations a permanent memorial in acknowledgement of the tragedy and in consideration of the legacy of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade; _______________ 1 2 07-47109 A/62/270. See A/CONF.189/12 and Corr.1, chap. I.

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