United Nations General Assembly A/HRC/RES/30/4 Distr.: General 12 October 2015 Original: English Human Rights Council Thirtieth session Agenda item 3 Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council on 1 October 2015 30/4. Human rights and indigenous peoples The Human Rights Council, Recalling all Commission on Human Rights and Human Rights Council resolutions on human rights and indigenous peoples, Recalling also the adoption by the General Assembly of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in its resolution 61/295 of 13 September 2007, Welcoming the thirtieth anniversary of the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples in 2015, and acknowledging the decades of its substantive work to facilitate the direct and meaningful participation of indigenous peoples within the United Nations, the Human Rights Council and the human rights treaty bodies, also in the light of this important anniversary, Recognizing the importance to indigenous peoples of revitalizing, using, developing and transmitting their histories, languages, oral traditions, philosophies, writing systems and literatures to future generations, and designating and retaining their own names for communities, places and persons, Welcoming the study by the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on the promotion and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples with respect to their cultural heritage, including through their participation in political and public life, submitted to the Human Rights Council at its thirtieth session,1 and encouraging all parties to consider the examples of good practices and recommendations included in the study as practical advice on how to attain the end goals of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Stressing the need to pay particular attention to the rights and special needs of indigenous women, children, youth, elders and persons with disabilities, as set out in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 1 A/HRC/30/53. GE.15-17576(E) *1517576*

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