A/RES/59/250 poverty eradication and the promotion of all human rights, including the right to development, for achieving sustained economic growth and sustainable development in accordance with relevant General Assembly resolutions and recent United Nations conferences, and stressing the need for those activities to be undertaken at the request of interested recipient Governments strictly within the respective mandates of the United Nations funds and programmes, which should receive increased contributions from donor countries, Recognizing that the transition from relief to development represents a complex challenge as regards the universal achievement of the MDGs, 2 Reiterating that developing countries are responsible for their own development processes, and in this context stressing the responsibility of the international community, in partnership, in assisting developing countries in their national development efforts, Recognizing that the United Nations development system should take into account the specific needs and requirements of the countries with economies in transition and other recipient countries, Recognizing also that new technologies, including information and communication technologies, present an opportunity to accelerate development, especially in developing countries, and noting that the access to those technologies is uneven and that a digital divide still prevails, Reaffirming the need to ensure, in a coherent and timely manner, the full implementation of all the elements of its resolutions 44/211, 47/199, 50/120, 53/192 and 56/201 and the parts of its resolution 52/12 B relevant to operational activities for development, which should be considered an integral part of the present resolution, Reiterating the importance of the development of national capacities to eradicate poverty and pursue sustained economic growth and sustainable development as a central goal of the development cooperation of the United Nations system, Recognizing that new trends in development assistance, including sector-wide approaches and budget support, pose challenges to the United Nations, and stressing that the United Nations has a role to play in assisting developing countries to manage the new aid modalities, Noting the advances that the United Nations development system is making in the area of coordination, including in the implementation of resolution 56/201, Encouraging the governing bodies of United Nations agencies, funds and programmes to ensure that gender perspectives are integrated into all aspects of their monitoring functions in relation to policies and strategies, medium-term plans, multi-year funding frameworks and operational activities, including those relating to the implementation of the Millennium Declaration and the outcomes of major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic and social fields, _______________ 2 2 The internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration.

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