Conclusion of the Executive Committee on youth
The Executive Committee,
Noting the adoption of the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants on 19 September
Considering that youth are an increasingly large proportion of populations of concern to UNHCR;
Reaffirming the importance of mainstreaming age and gender sensitive approaches for youth of
concern to UNHCR;
Noting that this conclusion applies to youth of concern to UNHCR, including refugees, asylumseekers, stateless persons and returnees, as well as internally displaced people on the basis of specific
requests from the Secretary-General and with the consent of the concerned State; and that UNHCR
engages in activities in support of youth of its concern and in host communities, as appropriate;
Noting that refugee, internally displaced and stateless youth have particular vulnerabilities and are
often negatively affected, and can be at heightened risk due to their situation.
Acknowledging the value of enabling participation of youth, where possible, in humanitarian
assistance and other decision-making processes relevant to them and their communities;
Acknowledging that young people, in many circumstances, have the capacity to make considerable
contributions to their communities; Noting the Global Refugee Youth Consultations conducted by
UNHCR in partnership with a number of States, the Women’s Refugee Commission, and civil society in
2015 and 2016, and the consultations undertaken by UNHCR on stateless children and youth in 2015;
Taking note of relevant international legal instruments relating to the protection of children as
applicable to youth, and recalling the guidance provided in past Executive Committee Conclusions of
relevance to youth, including, in particular, Conclusion No. 98 (LIV) 2003; No. 99 (LV) 2004; No. 100
(LV) 2004; No. 101 (LVI) 2005; No. 102 (LVI) 2005; No. 105 (LVII) 2006; No. 107 (LVIII) 2008; and
No. 108 (LIX) 2008.
Takes note of the contributions of youth through participatory approaches to protection and
assistance programmes for themselves and their communities, noting that they are often overlooked in
humanitarian situations as a group with specific needs based on their stage of life and development, and
who have the potential to make important contributions;
Encourages UNHCR, States and relevant stakeholders to pursue ongoing engagement,
consultation and activities with the active participation of youth of concern to UNHCR, including the
Global Refugee Youth Consultations, as appropriate;
Encourages UNHCR, States and relevant stakeholders to proactively identify ways to
engage youth in protection and assistance programmes, in youth strategies and action plans as
appropriate, including through their meaningful participation and representation in their community
management and decision-making processes;
Encourages systematic collection and use of reliable age and sex disaggregated data on
youth of concern to UNHCR, while respecting their privacy and the principle of confidentiality, to ensure
that their specific and diverse needs can be more effectively met;
Calls upon the international community to provide the necessary support and resources for
UNHCR, concerned States and partners, to meet the specific and diverse needs and build the capacities of
youth of concern to UNHCR;
Acknowledges that UNHCR programmes are undertaken in accordance with its mandate
and international refugee law, and calls on UNHCR, Member States and relevant actors, as appropriate,
and with the consent of concerned States, and in accordance with their national law, to: