A/RES/68/33 United Nations Distr.: General 9 December 2013 General Assembly Sixty-eighth session Agenda item 99 (t) Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 5 December 2013 [on the report of the First Committee (A/68/411)] 68/33. Women, disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control The General Assembly, Recalling that the Charter of the United Nations reaffirms the equal rights of women and men, Recalling also its resolutions 65/69 of 8 December 2010 and 67/48 of 3 December 2012, Recalling further General Assembly and Security Council resolutions on the issue of women and peace and security, Recognizing that the equal, full and effective participation of both women and men is one of the essential factors for the promotion and attainment of sustainable peace and security, Recognizing also the valuable contribution of women to practical disarmament measures carried out at the local, national, subregional and regional levels in the prevention and reduction of armed violence and armed conflict, and in promoting disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control, Recognizing further that the role of women in disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control should be further developed, Noting with appreciation the efforts of Member States to increase the participation of women in their national and regional coordination mechanisms on disarmament-related matters, including in efforts to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects, 1. Urges Member States, relevant subregional and regional organizations, the United Nations and the specialized agencies to promote equal opportunities for the representation of women in all decision-making processes with regard to matters related to disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control, in particular as it relates to the prevention and reduction of armed violence and armed conflict; 13-44143 *1344143* Please recycle

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