A/RES/70/127 Policies and programmes involving youth stakeholders to take stock of progress made in its implementation, as well as to identify gaps and challenges and the way forward for its full, effective and accelerated implementation, Welcoming also the role of the Envoy of the Secretary-General on Youth and his work in addressing the needs of youth, as well as, inter alia, as a harmonizer with different United Nations entities, Governments, civil society, youth organizations, academia and media towards enhancing, empowering and strengthening the position of young people within and outside of the United Nations system, Noting the convening of the World Conference on Youth, held in Sri Lanka in May 2014, the first Global Forum on Youth Policies, held in Azerbaijan in October 2014, and the Global Forum on Youth, Peace and Security, held in Jordan in August 2015, Welcoming its designation of 15 July as World Youth Skills Day by its resolution 69/145 of 18 December 2014, 1. Takes note with appreciation of the report of the Secretary-General on ways to promote effective, structured and sustainable youth participation; 2 2. Reaffirms the World Programme of Action for Youth, 3 and emphasizes that all 15 priority areas of the Programme of Action are interrelated and mutually reinforcing; 3. Also reaffirms the commitment of Heads of State and Government, reflected in the outcome document of the United Nations summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda, entitled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, 1 to leave no one behind, including youth, and to develop and implement strategies that give young people everywhere real opportunities for full, effective and constructive participation in society; 4. Reiterates that the primary responsibility for implementing the World Programme of Action for Youth lies with Member States, and urges Governments, in consultation with youth, youth-led and youth-focused organizations and other relevant stakeholders, to develop holistic and integrated youth policies and programmes based on the Programme of Action and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to evaluate them regularly as part of the follow -up action on and implementation of the Programme of Action at all levels; 5. Calls upon Member States to consider, on a voluntary basis, the indicators proposed in the report of the Secretary-General 4 for their selection and adaptation in monitoring and assessing the implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth, giving particular attention to young women, marginalized groups and young people belonging to vulnerable groups or in vulnerable situations, taking into account the national social and economic circumstances in each country; 6. Urges Member States to promote equal opportunities for all, to eliminate all forms of discrimination against young people, including that based on race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, and to foster social inte gration for social groups such as young persons with disabilities, young migrants and indigenous youth on an equal basis with others; _______________ 2 A/70/156. Resolution 50/81, annex, and resolution 62/126, annex. 4 E/CN.5/2013/8. 3 2/6

Select target paragraph3