A/RES/72/51 United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General 12 December 2017 Seventy-second session Agenda item 99 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 4 December 2017 [on the report of the First Committee (A/72/409)] 72/51. International Day against Nuclear Tests The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 64/35 of 2 December 2009, and that the promotion of peace and security is among the main purposes and principles of the United Nations embodied in the Charter, Convinced that every effort should be made to end nuclear tests in order to avert devastating and harmful effects on the lives and health of people and the environment, Convinced also that the end of nuclear tests is one of the key means of achieving the goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world, Welcoming the recent positive momentum in the international community to work towards this goal, Emphasizing in this context the essential role of Governments, intergovernmental organizations, civil society, academia and mass media, Acknowledging the related importance of education as a tool for peace, security, disarmament and non-proliferation, 1. Reiterates that 29 August was declared the International Day against Nuclear Tests, devoted to enhancing public awareness and education about the effects of nuclear weapon test explosions or any other nuclear explosions and the need for their cessation as one of the means of achieving the goal of a nuclear weapon-free world; 2. Invites Member States, the United Nations system, civil society, academia, the mass media and individuals to commemorate the International Day against Nuclear Tests in an appropriate manner, including through all means of educational and public awareness-raising activities; 17-21734 (E) 141217 *1721734*

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