What’s the difference between PDF and Plain-text views of a document?
When you enter the full view of a document entity, it will be displayed as a pdf document by default. This is due to the fact that our Database functions primarily off of information sources in pdf format. However, for those who find pdf uncomfortable to work with, you also have the option of viewing the document in what is called “plain-text”.
To switch views, at the top of the document you will see a button labeled “Plain text”. Click on this to switch out of the pdf viewer into plain-text. This can be an advantageous view if you need to copy and paste text from a document as you can be sure the formatting will remain as displayed.
To switch back, click on the button at the top of the document labeled “normal view”. Pdf view if advantageous when you want to read and explore the content of the document, with minimal interaction with the text.
Note that full-text search functions in both views equally.