A/RES/54/211 Page 2 Expressing concern at the increasing development gap between developed and developing countries, including the gap in knowledge, information and communication technologies, and at the increasing disparity of income in and among nations and its adverse impact on the development of human resources, in particular in the developing countries, Stressing that developing countries should be assisted so that they can be well equipped with the knowledge of information technology that would enable them to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalization and to avoid the risk of marginalization in the process of globalization, Emphasizing the continued need for coordination and integration among the organs and organizations of the United Nations system in assisting developing countries, in particular the least developed among them, to foster the development of their human resources, especially that of the most vulnerable groups, and for the United Nations to continue to give priority to human resources development in developing countries, 1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General;2 2. Recognizes the importance of developing human resources as a means, inter alia, of participating more effectively in the world economic system and of benefiting from globalization; 3. Urges increased investments in all aspects of human development, such as education and training, health and nutrition, to achieve universal coverage and the well-being of all; 4. Also urges the adoption of comprehensive approaches to human resources development which combine, among other factors, economic growth, provision of basic social services, poverty eradication, sustainable livelihoods, empowerment of women, involvement of youth, the needs of vulnerable groups of society, political freedom, popular participation, respect for human rights, justice and equity, all of which are essential for enhancing human capacity to meet the challenge of development; 5. Emphasizes the need to ensure the full participation of women in the formulation and implementation of national policies to promote human resources development; 6. Encourages all countries to accord priority, in particular in national budgets, to human resources development in the context of the adoption of economic and social policies; 7. Invites international organizations, including international financial institutions, to continue to give priority to supporting the objectives of human resources development and to integrating them into their policies, programmes and operations; 8. Recognizes the need to direct concerted efforts at enhancing the technical skills and know-how of people living in rural and agricultural areas, with a view to improving their means of livelihood and material well-being, and in this regard encourages the allocation of more resources for this purpose so as to facilitate access to appropriate technology and know-how from within and from other countries, in particular the developed countries, as well as through South-South cooperation; 9. Encourages the adoption of policies, approaches and measures that serve to narrow the increasing gap between developed and developing countries in information and communication technologies in particular and in technology in general, including by: 2 A/54/408. /...

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