A/RES/68/228 Human resources development access to education and non-discrimination and maintain an enabling environment for job creation, Recognizing also that despite evidence of an uneven and fragile recovery, the ongoing adverse impacts, particularly on development, of the world financial and economic crisis continue to diminish the ability of many countries, especially developing countries, to cope with and address human resources development challenges and to formulate and implement effective strategies for poverty eradication and sustainable development, Acknowledging the important nexus between international migration and development and the need to deal with the challenges and opportunities that migration presents to countries of origin, transit and destination, recognizing that migration brings benefits as well as challenges to the global community, and stressing that the brain drain continues to be a severe problem in many developing and transitioning countries, undermining efforts in the area of human resources development, Recognizing that science, technological knowledge and innovation can overcome important physical, infrastructural and cultural barriers that prevent people, especially in poor and marginalized communities, from living a healthy and productive life, Recognizing also the need to align science, technological knowledge and innovation systems with national development objectives, fully integrated with national human resources development and poverty eradication strategies and supported by appropriate institutional and policy frameworks, Acknowledging that science, technological knowledge and innovation policies should take into account the specific features of the economy in developing countries, including the size of the traditional sector, the importance of indigenous knowledge, the limited access to skilled labour and capital, weak infrastructure and inadequate institutional frameworks, in order to generate solutions that address the specific challenges of those countries and to foster synergies between modern science and technology and indigenous and local knowledge, Reaffirming that gender equality is of fundamental importance for achieving sustained economic growth, poverty eradication and sustainable development, in accordance with the relevant General Assembly resolutions and United Nations conferences, and that investing in the development of women and girls has a multiplier effect, in particular on productivity, efficiency and sustained economic growth, in all sectors of the economy, especially in key areas such as agriculture, industry and services, Recognizing that education is the key to promoting the development of human potential, equality and understanding among peoples, as well as to sustaining economic growth and eradicating poverty, and recognizing also that, to achieve those ends, it is essential that quality education be available to all, including indigenous peoples, girls and women, rural inhabitants and persons with disabilities, Stressing that Governments have the primary responsibility for defining and implementing appropriate policies for human resources development, and the need for continued support from the international community for the national efforts of developing countries, 2/6

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