A/RES/70/181 United Nations Distr.: General 8 January 2016 General Assembly Seventieth session Agenda item 107 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 17 December 2015 [on the report of the Third Committee (A/70/491)] 70/181. Special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem to be held in 2016 The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 67/193 of 20 December 2012, entitled “International cooperation against the world drug problem”, in which it decided to convene, in early 2016, a special session on the world drug problem to review the progress made in the implementation of the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem, 1 including an assessment of the achievements and challenges in countering the world drug problem, within the framework of the three international drug control conventions and other relevant United Nations instruments, Recalling also its resolutions 68/197 of 18 December 2013 and 69/201 of 18 December 2014, entitled “International cooperation against the world drug problem”, Recalling further its resolution 69/200 of 18 December 2014, entitled “Special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem to be held in 2016”, 1. Welcomes Commission on Narcotic Drugs resolution 58/8 of 17 March 2015;2 2. Decides that the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem shall be convened for three days, from 19 to 21 April 2016, at United Nations Headquarters in New York, following the fifty-ninth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, scheduled to be held in March 2016; 3. Also decides that the organizational arrangements for the special session shall be as follows: (a) The special session shall consist of a general debate and interactive, multi-stakeholder round tables conducted in parallel with the plenary; _______________ 1 See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 2009, Supplement No. 8 (E/2009/28), chap. I, sect. C. 2 Ibid., 2015, Supplement No. 8 (E/2015/28), chap. I, sect. C. 15-16935 (E) *1516935* Please recycle

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