A/RES/64/289 and should be in alignment with their national development plans and strategies in accordance with established mandates, Taking note of the reports of the Secretary-General entitled “Comprehensive proposal for the composite entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women” 5 and “Follow-up to General Assembly resolution 63/311 on system-wide coherence related to operational activities for development”, 6 4F 5F Strengthening governance of operational activities for development of the United Nations system for enhanced system-wide coherence 1. Requests the Secretary-General, starting at the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly, and as background material for the comprehensive policy review, to make available a compilation of all relevant legislation on the roles and responsibilities of the Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, including its subsidiary bodies, the executive boards of funds and programmes of the United Nations and the governing bodies of the specialized agencies in the governance of United Nations operational activities for development; Also requests the Secretary-General to circulate information on the 2. coherence of the calendars, agendas and programmes of work of the governing bodies responsible for United Nations operational activities for development, with a view to enabling them to consider measures to enhance coherence when setting their agendas and programmes of work; Invites the President and the Bureau of the Economic and Social Council 3. to convene informal coordination meetings with the bureaux of the governing bodies responsible for United Nations operational activities for development, in accordance with their mandates, in order to discuss ways and means to enhance the coherence of their work, and to provide a summary of such informal coordination meetings to Member States; Reaffirms the need for enhancing the transparency of the activities of the 4. United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination, in particular to ensure its effective interaction with Member States, while respecting the mandates and working methods of the Chief Executives Board and its member organizations, and in this regard requests: (a) The Secretary-General, in his capacity as Chair of the Chief Executives Board, to further enhance the quality and quantity of information on the Board’s website and to publish and make available to Member States the Board’s inter-agency agreements and decisions; (b) The Secretary-General, in his capacity as the Chair of the Chief Executives Board, to ensure a transparent and balanced approach in its prioritysetting, to implement and report on the decisions of relevant intergovernmental bodies and to include appropriate information on the work of the Board in its annual overview report to the Economic and Social Council, which is also studied by the Committee for Programme and Coordination, in order to promote more effective dialogue; _______________ 5 6 2 A/64/588. A/64/589.

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