United Nations General Assembly A/RES/59/223 Distr.: General 14 February 2005 Fifty-ninth session Agenda item 83 (c) Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 22 December 2004 [on the report of the Second Committee (A/59/481/Add.3)] 59/223. External debt crisis and development The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 58/203 of 23 December 2003 on the external debt crisis and development, Reaffirming the Monterrey Consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development, 1 which recognizes sustainable debt financing as an important element for mobilizing resources for public and private investment, Recalling the United Nations Millennium Declaration adopted on 8 September 2000, 2 which reaffirms the need to deal comprehensively and effectively with the debt problems of low- and middle-income developing countries, Recalling also its resolution 57/270 B of 23 June 2003, Concerned that a number of developing countries have not sufficiently benefited from the current global economic recovery in their efforts to attain the internationally agreed development goals, in particular the heavily indebted poor countries, where continuing debt and debt-servicing obligations could adversely affect their sustainable development, Welcoming the further extension of the sunset clause of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative, noting that the Initiative aims to promote debt sustainability in the poorest countries and that its implementation could be enhanced by streamlining conditionalities, emphasizing in this regard the need to ensure that debt relief does not replace other sources of financing, acknowledging furthermore the progress in the implementation of the Initiative, 3 and welcoming the call in the communiqué issued by the joint International Monetary Fund/World Bank Development Committee on 2 October 2004 4 urging all creditors to participate in the Initiative, _______________ 1 Report of the International Conference on Financing for Development, Monterrey, Mexico, 18–22 March 2002 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.02.II.A.7), chap. I, resolution 1, annex. 2 See resolution 55/2. 3 Fifteen countries have passed the completion point and twenty-seven countries have redirected substantial funds from debt-servicing to social expenditures. 4 See IMF Survey, vol. 33, No. 18 (11 October 2004). Also available from www.imf.org/imfsurvey. 04-48964

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