A UNITED NATIONS General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/RES/49/165 24 February 1995 Forty-ninth session Agenda item 97 RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY [on the report of the Third Committee (A/49/607)] 49/165. Violence against women migrant workers The General Assembly, Recalling that the Charter of the United Nations reaffirms faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women, Reaffirming the principles set forth in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, adopted by the General Assembly by its resolution 34/180 of 18 December 1979, Stressing that the promotion of the human rights of women constitutes an integral part of the human rights activities of the United Nations, as reaffirmed in the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, adopted by the World Conference on Human Rights, 1/ Welcoming the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, 2/ held at Cairo from 5 to 13 September 1994, which called upon all countries to take full measures to eliminate all forms of exploitation, abuse, harassment and violence against women, Noting the large numbers of women from developing countries and from some economies in transition who continue to venture forth to more affluent countries in search of a living for themselves and their families, as a consequence of poverty, unemployment and other socio-economic situations in their home countries, while acknowledging the primary duty of States to work for conditions that provide employment to their citizens, 1/ A/CONF.157/24 (Part I), chap. III. 2/ A/CONF.171/13, chap. I, resolution 1, annex. 95-76969 /...

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