A/RES/50/58 Page 2 Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 9 October 1995, 2/ Deeply concerned about the adverse effects of the protracted conflict on the socio-economic development of Liberia, and noting the urgent need to restore peace and stability so as to make possible the rehabilitation and reconstruction of basic sectors of the country, Recognizing the recent progress made by the Liberian parties towards the peaceful resolution of the conflict, including the re-establishment of a cease-fire, the installation of a new Council of State on 1 September 1995 and the agreement reached on a timetable for the implementation of the peace process from the cease-fire to the holding of executive and legislative elections in August 1996, Noting with concern that the lack of logistics and security guarantees continues to impair the delivery of relief assistance, particularly in the areas not yet under the control of the Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group, thereby hampering the transition from emergency to development activities, Commending the concerted and determined efforts of the Economic Community of West African States to restore peace, security and stability in Liberia, 1. Expresses its gratitude to the States and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations that have rendered assistance to the Liberian National Transitional Government in its relief and rehabilitation efforts, and urges that such assistance be continued; 2. Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary-General for his continuing efforts to mobilize relief and rehabilitation assistance for Liberia, expresses its gratitude to him for convening a pledging conference on assistance to Liberia in New York on 27 October 1995, and in this regard encourages States that pledged assistance to fulfil their commitments; 3. Calls upon all States and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to continue to provide Liberia with technical, financial and other assistance for the repatriation and resettlement of Liberian refugees, returnees and displaced persons and the rehabilitation of combatants so as to facilitate the restoration of peace and normalcy in Liberia; 4. Reiterates its appeal to all States to contribute generously to the Trust Fund for Liberia established by the Secretary-General, inter alia, to assist the Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group to fulfil its mandate and to provide assistance for the reconstruction of Liberia; 5. Emphasizes the urgent need for all parties and factions in Liberia to respect fully the security and safety of all personnel of the United Nations, its specialized agencies, non-governmental organizations and the Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group by ensuring their 2/ A/50/522. /...

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