United Nations
Convention on the
Rights of the Child
Distr.: General
2 March 2021
Original: English
Committee on the Rights of the Child
General comment No. 25 (2021) on children’s rights in
relation to the digital environment
I. Introduction
The children consulted for the present general comment reported that digital
technologies were vital to their current lives and to their future: “By the means of digital
technology, we can get information from all around the world”; “[Digital technology]
introduced me to major aspects of how I identify myself”; “When you are sad, the Internet
can help you [to] see something that brings you joy”.1
The digital environment is constantly evolving and expanding, encompassing
information and communications technologies, including digital networks, content, services
and applications, connected devices and environments, virtual and augmented reality,
artificial intelligence, robotics, automated systems, algorithms and data analytics, biometrics
and implant technology.2
The digital environment is becoming increasingly important across most aspects of
children’s lives, including during times of crisis, as societal functions, including education,
government services and commerce, progressively come to rely upon digital technologies. It
affords new opportunities for the realization of children’s rights, but also poses the risks of
their violation or abuse. During consultations, children expressed the view that the digital
environment should support, promote and protect their safe and equitable engagement: “We
would like the government, technology companies and teachers to help us [to] manage
untrustworthy information online.”; “I would like to obtain clarity about what really happens
with my data … Why collect it? How is it being collected?”; “I am … worried about my data
being shared”.3
The rights of every child must be respected, protected and fulfilled in the digital
environment. Innovations in digital technologies affect children’s lives and their rights in
ways that are wide-ranging and interdependent, even where children do not themselves
access the Internet. Meaningful access to digital technologies can support children to realize
the full range of their civil, political, cultural, economic and social rights. However, if digital
inclusion is not achieved, existing inequalities are likely to increase, and new ones may arise.
The present general comment draws on the Committee’s experience in reviewing
States parties’ reports, its day of general discussion on digital media and children’s rights,
the jurisprudence of the human rights treaty bodies, the recommendations of the Human
“Our rights in a digital world”, summary report on the consultation of children for the present general
comment, pp. 14 and 22. Available from
20in%20a%20Digital%20World.pdf. All references to children’s views refer to that report.
A terminology glossary is available on the Committee’s webpage:
“Our rights in a digital world”, pp. 14, 16, 22 and 25.