A/RES/65/123 United Nations Distr.: General 15 February 2011 General Assembly Sixty-fifth session Agenda item 122 (m) Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 13 December 2010 [without reference to a Main Committee (A/65/L.11 and Add.1)] 65/123. Cooperation between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union The General Assembly, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 20 September 2010, 1 which attests to the broad and substantive cooperation between the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union over the past two years, 0F Taking note of the resolutions adopted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and circulated in the General Assembly and the many activities undertaken by the organization in support of the United Nations, Taking note also of the outcome of the Third World Conference of Speakers of Parliament, including the Declaration on Securing Global Democratic Accountability for the Common Good, 2 which reaffirms the commitment of national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union to support the work of the United Nations and continue efforts to bridge the democracy gap in international relations, 1F Taking note further of the findings and recommendations of the report of the Inter-Parliamentary Union on how parliaments organize their work with the United Nations, 3 2F Welcoming the annual parliamentary hearings at the United Nations as joint United Nations-Inter-Parliamentary Union events during the sessions of the General Assembly, as well as other specialized parliamentary meetings organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union in cooperation with the United Nations in the context of major United Nations conferences and events, Taking into consideration the Cooperation Agreement between the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union of 1996, 4 which laid the foundation for cooperation between the two organizations, 3F _______________ 1 A/65/382-S/2010/490. A/65/289, annex I. 3 Ibid., annex II. 4 A/51/402, annex. 2 10-51992 *1051992* Please rec cle ♲

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