A/RES/65/249 pensionable remuneration as at 31 December 2009, which was the Fund’s first deficit in seven consecutive actuarial valuations; 4. Endorses the recommendation Administrative and Budgetary Questions;4 of the Advisory Committee on Administrative arrangements, revised budget and longer-term objectives of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund 5. Takes note of the information set out in paragraphs 130 to 140 of the report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board on the revised budget estimates for the biennium 2010–2011; Approves the recommendation of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension 6. Board that the total appropriation of 176,318,500 United States dollars remain unchanged and that the requirements of the Fund be met through redeployment, with revised administrative costs, investment costs, audit costs and Board expenses as set out in annex XIX to the report of the Board; Investments of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund 7. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the investments of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund and measures undertaken to increase diversification2 and the observations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board, as set out in its report; 8. Recalls its resolution 33/121 B of 19 December 1978; 9. Requests the Secretary-General, as fiduciary for the investment of the assets of the Fund, to continue to diversify its investments between developed, developing and emerging markets, wherever this serves the interests of the participants and the beneficiaries of the Fund, and also requests the SecretaryGeneral to ensure that decisions concerning the investments of the Fund in any country are implemented prudently, taking fully into account the four main criteria for investment, namely, safety, profitability, liquidity and convertibility, under the current volatile market conditions; 10. Supports the recommendations of the Board that more detailed disclosures be provided in the future. 73rd plenary meeting 24 December 2010 2

Select target paragraph3