A/HRC/RES/49/3 United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General 7 April 2022 Original: English Human Rights Council Forty-ninth session 28 February–1 April 2022 Agenda item 2 Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council on 31 March 2022 49/3. Promotion and protection of human rights in Nicaragua The Human Rights Council, Guided by the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and other relevant international human rights instruments, Reaffirming the primary responsibility of States to respect, protect and fulfil all human rights and fundamental freedoms and to fulfil their obligations under the human rights treaties to which they are party and other human rights agreements to which they have subscribed, Recalling its resolutions 40/2 of 21 March 2019, 43/2 of 19 June 2020 and 46/2 of 23 March 2021 on the promotion and protection of human rights in Nicaragua, Welcoming the oral updates of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights in Nicaragua, presented to the Human Rights Council at its forty-seventh and forty-eighth sessions, the interim oral update of the High Commissioner on the situation of human rights in Nicaragua in the context of the electoral process, presented to the Council on 14 December 2021, and the comprehensive written report of the High Commissioner on the situation of human rights in Nicaragua, presented to the Council at its present session,1 Expressing alarm at the democratic backsliding and continuing sociopolitical and human rights crisis in Nicaragua, as well as the erosion of the rule of law, the independence of the judiciary and the separation of powers, and their multidimensional impact on the enjoyment of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, Expressing serious concern at the continued disregard of Nicaragua for its international human rights obligations, including its failure to submit periodic reports to the relevant treaty bodies, and expressing concern at the State’s unwillingness to engage in a constructive dialogue with the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Expressing concern at the continuous refusal of Nicaragua to cooperate with international and regional human rights mechanisms, particularly the Office of the United 1 A/HRC/49/23. GE.22-05073(E)

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