A/RES/65/229 Mindful of its resolution 61/143 of 19 December 2006, in which it urged States to, inter alia, take positive measures to address structural causes of violence against women and to strengthen prevention efforts that address discriminatory practices and social norms, including with regard to women who need special attention in the development of policies to address violence, such as women in institutions or in detention, Mindful also of its resolution 63/241 of 24 December 2008, in which it called upon all States to give attention to the impact of parental detention and imprisonment on children and, in particular, to identify and promote good practices in relation to the needs and physical, emotional, social and psychological development of babies and children affected by parental detention and imprisonment, Taking into consideration the Vienna Declaration on Crime and Justice: Meeting the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century, 7 in which Member States committed themselves, inter alia, to the development of action-oriented policy recommendations based on the special needs of women as prisoners and offenders, and the plans of action for the implementation of the Declaration, 8 Calling attention to the Bangkok Declaration on Synergies and Responses: Strategic Alliances in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, 9 as it relates specifically to women in detention and in custodial and non-custodial settings, Recalling that, in the Bangkok Declaration, Member States recommended to the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice that it give consideration to reviewing the adequacy of standards and norms in relation to prison management and prisoners, Having taken note of the initiative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to designate the week from 6 to 12 October 2008 as Dignity and Justice for Detainees Week, which placed particular emphasis on the human rights of women and girls, Considering that women prisoners are one of the vulnerable groups that have specific needs and requirements, Aware of the fact that many existing prison facilities worldwide were designed primarily for male prisoners, whereas the number of female prisoners has significantly increased over the years, Recognizing that a number of female offenders do not pose a risk to society and, as with all offenders, their imprisonment may render their social reintegration more difficult, Welcoming the development by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime of the Handbook for Prison Managers and Policymakers on Women and Imprisonment, 10 Welcoming also the invitation, contained in Human Rights Council resolution 10/2 of 25 March 2009, 11 to Governments, relevant international and regional _______________ 7 Resolution 55/59, annex. Resolution 56/261, annex. 9 Resolution 60/177, annex. 10 United Nations publication, Sales No. E.08.IV.4. 11 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 53 (A/64/53), chap. II, sect. A. 8 2

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