A/RES/57/190 2. Reiterates its concern at the great number of reservations to the Convention, and urges States parties to withdraw reservations that are incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention and to review on a regular basis any reservations with a view to withdrawing them; 3. Calls upon States parties to implement fully the Convention, while stressing that the implementation of the Convention contributes to the achievement of the goals of the World Summit for Children and the special session of the General Assembly on children, and of the goals and objectives endorsed at the relevant major United Nations summits, conferences and special sessions; 4. Urges States to assure the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters that affect him or her, the views being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child, and in this regard to involve children and young people in their efforts to implement the goals of the Summit and the special session of the General Assembly on children, as well as in other programmes relating to children and young people, as appropriate; 5. Calls upon States parties to cooperate closely with the Committee on the Rights of the Child and to comply in a timely manner with their reporting obligations under the Convention, in accordance with the guidelines elaborated by the Committee, and encourages States parties to take into account the recommendations made by the Committee in the implementation of the provisions of the Convention; 6. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the provision of appropriate staff and facilities for the effective and expeditious performance of the functions of the Committee, notes the temporary support given by the plan of action of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to strengthen the important role of the Committee in advancing the implementation of the Convention, and also requests the Secretary-General to make available information on the follow-up to the plan of action; 7. Calls upon States parties urgently to take appropriate measures so that acceptance of the amendment to paragraph 2 of article 43 of the Convention by a two-thirds majority of States parties can be reached as soon as possible in order for the amendment to enter into force, thus increasing the membership of the Committee from ten to eighteen experts, bearing in mind, inter alia, the additional workload of the Committee when the two Optional Protocols to the Convention enter into force; 8. Invites the Committee to continue to enhance its constructive dialogue with the States parties and its transparent and effective functioning; 9. Recommends that, within their mandates, all relevant human rights mechanisms and all other relevant organs and mechanisms of the United Nations system and the supervisory bodies of the specialized agencies pay attention to particular situations in which children are in danger and in which their rights are violated and that they take into account the work of the Committee, and encourages the further development of the rights-based approach adopted by the United Nations Children’s Fund and further steps to increase system-wide coordination and interagency cooperation for the promotion and protection of the rights of the child; 10. Encourages the Committee, in monitoring the implementation of the Convention, to continue to pay attention to the needs of children in especially difficult circumstances; 3

Select target paragraph3